Registered Massage Therapy

Registered Massage Therapy is the health profession in which a person provides, for the purpose of developing, maintaining, rehabilitating or augmenting physical function, or relieving pain or promoting health, the services of a) assessment of soft tissue and joints of the body, and b) treatment and prevention of physical dysfunction, injury, pain and disorders of soft tissues and joints of the... Read More

Registered Massage Therapy is the health profession in which a person provides, for the purpose of developing, maintaining, rehabilitating or augmenting physical function, or relieving pain or promoting health, the services of a) assessment of soft tissue and joints of the body, and b) treatment and prevention of physical dysfunction, injury, pain and disorders of soft tissues and joints of the body by manipulation, mobilization and other manual methods.

Lauren’s background as a healthcare practitioner began in Manchester, England where she graduated from the University of Salford in 2008 with a Bachelor of Science in Complementary and Holistic therapies, which included Reflexology and Aromatherapy massage. She then moved to Canada in 2011 continuing her passion in the health and well-being of others by graduating as a Registered Massage Therapist.

Lauren believes in treating all her patients from a holistic-centered approach and uses all modalities that massage has to offer, she understands the important role the nervous system plays in our well-being and uses this knowledge to guide her treatments.

Lauren has wide-ranging experience including chronic stress, pain and tension, sport related and motor vehicle injuries, and chronic low back pain. She enjoys helping her patients create a healthy balance in their lives by regaining strength and motion.

Lauren likes to keep active in her spare time with weight training, yoga, hiking, exploring beaches, and discovering what the island has to offer.

Education and further training:

Clinical applications of pain science: Manual Therapy, Exercise and Rehabilitation Principles Integrated treatment approach for the shoulder and cervical spine

Reiki level 1 Hopi Ear Candling

Lauren’s background as a healthcare practitioner began in Manchester, England where she graduated... Read More

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Located at: 267 Golden Oaks Cres, Nanaimo
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